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Friday, May 14, 2010

Finally Straiten' Out and getting a blog site!

We have finally come into this century and created our own blog site.  It's about time, I know!  Better 'Strait' the never! :)

Be patient with us for we are just learning!

Verse of the Post:
Psalm 46:10a - "Be still and know that I am God"

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  1. Yay! Let me be the first to comment on the first entry of your first blog!
    Good for you to launch yourselves into the abyss that is this cyberworld! I follow a few blogs and will add you to my list!!!

    This will be a great way for all of us to get the story 'Strait'!

  2. Welcome to the blogosphere! I'm looking forward to hearing updates from you from time to time.
